When you are pregnant, one of the most exciting things is to find out if you are having a boy or girl, some people choose not to find out and keep it a surprise but some are so excited they cannot wait to know and want to start planning the nursery.
Now finding the right ultrasound clinic in London can be a minefield, they are lots out there especially in London, so when searching baby gender scan London, be sure to do your research, look at the reviews that people have left and find out the experience of the sonographers at the ultrasound clinic.
When searching for baby gender scan London, ask family and friends if they have used the clinic you are looking at, they will be honest in their experiences and can help you make an informed decision about choosing the right one.
When you have your baby gender scan in London, the sonographer will use high-frequency soundwaves to produce the image of the baby on the screen for you. You can usually have a baby gender scan at between 18-22 weeks, by this time the sonographer should be able to tell you if you are having a boy or girl.
Most baby gender scans in London will probably take around 20 to 30 minutes, however, this will all depend on the position of the baby, if he/she is lying in an awkward position it may be hard for them to tell. Also, a good image can depend on how overweight you are or if your body tissue is dense, the sonographer should try and get you a good image to take home and show family and friends.
Our advice when searching forĀ baby gender scan London is to go with the clinic that you feel most comfortable with has good reviews and is close to your location.